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Ortosana d.o.o., a company based in Ljubljana, offers top-quality medical devices.

Their range includes electric and manual wheelchairs, electric scooters, communication devices, and therapeutic bicycles. With over 30 years of experience and as a contracted supplier for the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS), they also provide rental services and professional maintenance, ensuring worry-free use for their customers.

Ortosana is synonymous with reliability and innovation in the world of medical devices.

For more information, visit Ortosana.

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The website of Ortosana is created using WordPress and WooCommerce technologies.

WordPress is an open-source system used as a tool for setting up and managing websites. It is known as a CMS (Content Management System).

Initially, WordPress served as a platform for creating and managing blogs. You might remember the times when blogs were almost non-existent, and then suddenly they started to appear more frequently.

At that time, WordPress helped many bloggers as most blogs were based on it. This remains true today. However, WordPress has evolved to be much more than just a CMS for blogs, as it now supports many professional websites, both business and personal.

WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress that enables easy creation and management of online stores. With this tool, you can quickly convert your WordPress website into a functional and customizable platform for selling products or services, managing inventory, tracking orders, and integrating various payment methods.

The design of the website and online store is fully customized according to the client’s wishes. It is designed with the user in mind, featuring a clear and intuitive interface.

The website is designed to allow easy navigation between different categories of medical devices. It is visually appealing, using high-quality images and clear product descriptions.

It includes functionalities such as an online catalog, rental options, and information about professional maintenance services. Reliability and ease of use are at the forefront, allowing users to quickly and easily search for and order the necessary devices.

You are invited to visit the Ortosana website and catalog.