


Project view


The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Slovenia is one of the smaller institutions of its kind in Europe. However, it demonstrates high productivity, given the ratio of industrial property rights applications to the number of employees.

Mission of the Office:

  • Timely, efficient, predictable, and high-quality granting and registration of industrial property rights and maintaining the relevant registers.
  • Issuing licenses to legal entities for the collective management of copyright and related rights and supervising their operations in a timely, efficient, predictable, and high-quality manner.
  • Acting as a professional body to monitor and co-create national, European, and international legal frameworks in the field of intellectual property, providing expert proposals for regulatory changes, and collaborating with the responsible minister throughout the legislative process.
  • Raising public awareness about the importance of intellectual property rights.
  • Strengthening cooperation with all stakeholders in the intellectual property system, including rights holders, representatives of industry, research institutions, university technology transfer offices, courts, state authorities, collective organizations, NGOs, and other interested parties.
  • Providing information services related to industrial property rights.
  • Representing Slovenia and its interests within the EU and international organizations focused on intellectual property.


Through its activities, the office contributes to:

  • Promoting creativity and innovation.
  • An efficient and internationally comparable intellectual property system.
  • The development of culture and the economy.
  • Enhancing competitiveness.
  • Improving the quality of life in Slovenia.

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The Originalen.si website was created using the Concrete CMS. It is a classic presentation website, a perfect use case for Concrete CMS, as it is free and open-source under the MIT software license. Concrete CMS caters to both small businesses and large organizations.

What types of websites can be built with Concrete CMS?

  •     Online magazines, newspapers, and portals
  •     eCommerce websites
  •     Extranet and intranet networks/portals
  •     Government websites
  •     Websites for small businesses
  •     Websites for non-profit and non-governmental organizations
  •     Church, club, and team websites
  •     Personal or family homepages
  •     Marketing-oriented corporate websites
  •     Websites for educational institutions

Concrete CMS is versatile and user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of web development needs.

Many CMS platforms (content management systems) are built by developers for developers. Building and maintaining a website with these systems can be complex and intimidating for someone without programming knowledge. While editing content may seem manageable, making even basic changes to the content often involves working with long web forms in the back-end. Adding new features typically requires technical knowledge and experience. Imagine needing to call a consultant every time you want to write a new Word document. How useful would such a program really be?

On the other hand, there are many solutions targeting the DIY (do-it-yourself) segment of the market. These tools are great for quickly creating small websites. However, the same assumptions and limitations that make it easy to start and finish a site quickly can later become obstacles, as they prevent the site from scaling or adapting to evolving needs.

With Concrete CMS, you get the best of both worlds. Anyone can launch their website in seconds, and the editing experience is straightforward—just click on what you want to change and make the adjustment. At the same time, developers have access to a flexible framework for building complex web applications. With Concrete CMS, you’ll have a website that can easily be updated and adapted as your needs change over the years.

The design of the website is fully customized to the client’s specifications.